Dog Foster Application

    All information provided is for the purpose of foster assessment only and will remain private and confidential. Please remember, there are no right or wrong responses – we just want to ensure we place animals in the right homes in order to best support them and the families with which we place them.

    Foster selection is without discrimination and is conditional upon suitability of volunteers, and in the sole discretion of the representatives of the UDR.

    Foster volunteers are not responsible for costs associated with the care and well being of the foster dog(s), unless otherwise agreed upon. The UDR is a collective of volunteers and will provide support as desired and required. If you are selected and no longer able or willing to take responsibility for the foster animal(s) in your care, the animal(s) would be returned to a UDR representative, and are in no circumstances to be given to another individual unless agreed upon in writing by a representative of the UDR.

    Filling out and providing an application does not confirm your acceptance as a foster, or as a foster for a particular animal. Should you / your family be selected, a Foster Agreement would be signed upon acceptance of the animal.

    Are you at least 18 years of age?

    Have you ever dealt with the UDR before?

    Do you own or rent your residence?

    If you rent, do you have permission to have a dog in your residence?

    Are there any restrictions to the size of dog you are allowed in your residence?

    How many adults live in the home?

    How many children live in the home? Please provide age and sex:

    Is there anyone with an animal allergy in the home?

    If yes, please specify the type and severity of the allergy:

    What is the name of the animal you are interested in

    Is everyone in the home in agreement about fostering a dog?

    What type of dog would you like to foster (age: puppy, adolescent, adult; size: small, medium, large – if you have a specific dog in mind, please specify)?

    Are you against fostering any specific breeds/mixes of dogs?

    Are you okay with de-worming a dog with instructions?

    Are you Familiar with Canine Kennel Cough?

    The animals in Foster Care require an undetermined amount of time in foster (please see below for the time for each category). Please specify which of the following would you be interested in fostering:

    Orphaned Young Canine - Young must be ten weeks before they are able to be spayed or neutered and placed into adoptions. They require a lot of socialization (other pets in the home would be beneficial) to replace skills the mother would have taught them. Puppies that are not considered fully vaccinated are not allowed to go for walks, but can play in fenced backyards. Orphaned young need to come in for bi-weekly injections until fully vaccinated and can need anywhere from two to six weeks in foster care.

    Minor Injuries Canine - These include minor fractures, skin problems, broken bones & wounds/cuts. Special attention may need to be given to these animals, for example, changing of bandages, bathing, cage rest, etc. These animals may also need to visit the vet clinic for weekly/biweekly rechecks with a veterinarian. Animals with minor injuries can have an undetermined amount of time in foster, depending on how well they heal, how many surgeries they require and how many injuries they have. They can need anywhere from one – six months in foster care.

    Lack of Space Canine - If a shelter is full, these animals will need to be fostered out until space become available. This could require a long-term commitment, or a short term.

    Socialization Canine - These animals require exposure to people and pets to gain trust and confidence. Some of these animals require long-term commitment. Special training is needed for these animals, and will not be sent to inexperienced foster families until they have spoken with our Behaviour Staff. Depending on the severity of their socialization needs, they could require anywhere from one to three months in foster care.

    Break from Shelter Canine - Dogs that have been at the shelter for over three months can start to deteriorate in the stressful shelter environment. These dogs are sent to foster for some much needed rest.

    The animals in Foster Care sometimes require an undetermined amount of time in foster. Animals could need anywhere from two weeks in foster, to a few months. Please indicate the amount of time you are able to offer the animal:

    Please tell us how much notice you would require to foster:

    Would you be interested in being on our Emergency Contact List?

    Have you owned dogs before?

    Do you have any animals right now?

    Please describe and give ages of all the pets that reside in your home:

    Are all pets spayed/neutered?

    If no, why not?

    How many dogs have you owned in the last five years?

    Can you tell us what happened to your last dog?

    Do you have a securely fenced yard or dog run?

    Is anyone home during the day?

    How long will the dog be left alone at any given time?

    Are you familiar with crate training and how it is used?

    Are you prepared to crate a foster dog?

    Describe how you plan to exercise the dog (provide specifics on how often, how long, etc.):

    What kind of experience have you had with puppies (include age), fearful dogs and/or aggressive dogs?

    How do you plan to introduce new dogs to the household?

    What will you do if the puppy or adult pees in the house?

    Have you ever fostered a dog for any humane or rescue organization before?

    Are you willing to foster a dog requiring special care?

    Why are you interested in fostering a dog at this time?

    Please tell us any other information about yourself, your family or your animals that you think would be helpful to us.